Friday, October 15, 2010

Outside Cairo

We have just got back to the house, exhausted, from a day out and about.

The husband played golf, child one went to hang out at a friend's house and child two came with me to buy some new clothes.  A few minor hitches along the way included losing the driver for a short time and having to cut the clothes hunt short to buy a present for the husband to give to someone whose birthday he had forgotten at golf.

However, the minor irritations of the day were easily effaced by the lovely images that I will hold in my mind.  It leads me to thinking if we can, just by the power of thinking of the positive rather than the negative, put the good things before the bad.  I don't mean that you should forget everything unpleasant that happens because then I suspect you could never learn from your mistakes.  But in a day when there has been good and bad, can I try and think of the good first and as more important.

On this principle here are the images I will hold in my mind, my children swimming in the moonlight, spending a lovely lunch just with child two talking about things both big and small, and the obvious happiness when my husband introduced me to his friends.

So writing in the dark, with my husband snoring next to me and the kids asleep nearby, I finish with .....

Five positive things about being awake while those around you sleep .........

  1. In  the morning you get the peace of knowing you have the house all to your self
  2. The sounds of the house become clear and magnified, with a cadence like music
  3. Rising before everyone in the morning makes the day seem even more packed with potential
  4. You get to the leftover pizza before anyone else (ref previous post)
  5. You feel strong - the protector of those you love
Persephone in Cairo


  1. The peace, that's what I love on those mornings, the stillness and the calm. It is the best way to start the day. If you are lucky enough and you get to see the sun come up all the better and you can bathe in this moment of purity and clean feeling and clear your mind and senses and then I usually whack on the pint sized espresso machine to get my intense kick of caffeine and drug of choice. Cracking start to the day I like to think of it as a Zen, Drugs and Rock and Roll kind of vibe.

    Right my five positives for the day
    Watching my dog rolling around on the living room floor in a little world of his own fangs out tongue lolling looking like a total soppy giant puppy. It has actually made me forgive him for eating human poo on our walk today.
    I have had the hilarious pleasure of looking at the weal on my husband's bottom that he got from climbing out of the boot of a coach.
    I went out to meet friends tonight even though I was really tired and it was the right thing to do.
    We have allowed our eldest to have a pool party even though it seems like an entry into a 2 hour horrorfest of chaos and he is sooooo happy and full of anticipation.
    I have been thinking alot about creativity and I had the pleasure and privilege of watching of watching a whole gaggle of young people invent stuff and come up with brilliant ideas for product design. My favourite was the toasty coasty a self heating coaster (that does not burn the surface it is on) that keeps your tea warm! Genius!!
    Loving your work Persephone

  2. OMG! Where can I get a 'toasty coasty' from?

    Glad you're having a better time Persephone. The blog really seems to be working for you, and I'm enjoying reading your posts. Do you think you are starting to get used to life in Cairo?
